Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Recovery Part. 1

 It was so wonderful to see Kwik bright-eyed and perky when I went out to the barn Saturday afternoon. I checked his bandages, added a little more Elasticon wrap to his hoof bandage, and then we went for a little hand graze. He was definitely happy to be out of his stall! Adam came out with me on Sunday, and he stuffed Kwik full of carrots and even helped out with the hand grazing!

Dr. P came out on Monday to change his bandage and said the laceration looks really great and is healing nicely. The plan was to put his shoe back on towards the end of the week, allow him to go out for a little while in a small medical paddock on Wednesday, remove the bandage when he comes in on Wednesday evening, and remove the staples on Monday.

My farrier was in the area last night (Tuesday), and Dr. P ok'd putting the shoe back on. When I got out to the barn last night, Kwik looked like he was in a daze. I pulled him out of his stall for a hand graze, and he was definitely off, wasn't interested in eating grass, and just looked like he wasn't all there. Something wasn't quite right, so I texted L, and she came right out. She agreed that he looked lethargic, and we took his temperature. He was on the borderline of running a low temperature, so we called Dr. P for her opinion. He ate all of his dinner, ate some hay, pooped, and drank water while we waited for the call-back, so I wasn't terribly worried. My first thought was that he was having a reaction to the second dose of antibiotics he received on Monday or he picked up a cold at the hospital. Dr. P called back, and she seemed to think it was an adverse reaction to the second dose of Excede as well.

L says he is walking better and is a little perkier this morning. He's outside in the mini paddock enjoying the sunshine, and his bandage comes off this evening. I really hope I'm greeted by my bright-eyed, happy go lucky Kwik this evening- we're so close to reaching the end of this whole ordeal (knock on wood!).


  1. Hope for a quick recovery. Glad that the reaction wasn't more serious!


Katie and Kwik LOVE comments! :)