Sunday, August 11, 2013

Headed Back to Athens Town

Kwik is scheduled for a 10:30 am ultrasound at UGA on Wednesday. My BO has graciously offered to haul Kwik, and NV wants to be there for the ultrasound if possible so I won't be alone this time! I spent the week frantically researching stifle injuries, their diagnosis and treatment, and prognosis. Then I started worrying about what I would do if Kwik needed to be retired and basically drove myself crazy thinking about different scenarios all week long. Adam and my sister were very understanding and let me have my little pity party. I even got "Cheer up!" flowers and ice cream :) They're the best!

Don't mind the price tag on the picture frame :)

This morning I woke up and decided the pity party needed to be over. I'm going to be optimistic about this no matter which way it goes. This is not a life or death situation, and it will all work out in the end. I just have to believe that or I really will drive myself crazy. I spent some much needed time at the barn with my pony today. He was extra affectionate- it was almost as if he was saying, "don't worry mom- it'll all be okay!" I really do love this sweet horse. 


  1. The flowers and ice cream were super sweet! Hope that the appointment goes well. (hugs)

    Love the pictures!

  2. I hope you get the best of news. It'll be okay - pity party is okay to have as well :)


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